Classic Moonjar Moneybox

The Classic Moonjar Moneybox is an award-winning teaching bank divided into Save, Spend and Share compartments.

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Classic Moonjar comes with a guide providing helpful hints on how to start the money conversation, and unique passbook (bank register) with three columns; one each for Saving, Spending and Sharing. Older kids hone their math skills as they determine what percentage of their funds they wish to put in each canister.

“… currently my 4 year old has a Moonjar and she gets an allowance of $2 each week… We talk about the three sections but she is allowed to decide where to put her money… We talk about what things cost in the store and what mom/dad will pay for versus what we will not pay for. We count her money together so she knows how much she has available to spend… I like that we can have a dialogue about it and she has her own money to think about the value of versus the value of whatever item she wants at the time. I have another child who turns 3 this summer and he will get a Moonjar and start an allowance at that time so it will be fun to have both of them working on these concepts together!” ~ Jennifer S.

The three individual canisters are held together with a yellow band which can be removed so kids can investigate each.

The Classic Moonjar is made from long-lasting tin with acrylic tops with a slot for inserting coins and bills. Each canister is a diamond shape for easy manipulation by small hands. The acrylic tops fit snuggly and can be easily removed by older children.





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